Do you watch TV while you work?

I must confess: I usually work with the TV on. Game shows are my favorite background noise, the cheering audience, the silly questions, the winners, the losers. It keeps me feeling motivated and inspired.

But, I have a friend who was recently horrified when she visited me at the office and discovered that I leave the boob tube on all day. “How can you work with the TV on like that?” she demanded. “You’d be so much more productive if you turned that dreck off!”

Okay, so I added that last part–she’d never have called it dreck–but her tone was one of absolute abhorrence. Which got me thinking: I know I’m not the only gal out there who likes to work with the TV on and if you’re in the same boat, I’d love to hear what you watch while you work.

Old movies? Talk shows? TV shows on or DVD? Game shows like me?

I figure one of the biggest benefits to having a home office is getting to choose your own music or background noise. So, tell me, what’s your poison?


  1. Mary says:

    Love watching TV while I work. Definitely. TV shows on DVD are like the greatest invention ever–I’m currently working my way through Lost.

  2. Jane says:

    I don’t own a TV. But, I have been known to load Hulu during an especially tedious project.

  3. Francis says:

    Me too! Game shows. And everyone I know thinks its weird and I couldn’t possibly be productive with that “dreck” on (great word, btw).

  4. Izzy says:

    I don’t own a TV either.

  5. I really like watching old black and white movies while I work. The Thin Man movies are my favorites!

  6. Total confession: I often have all three Law and Order variations on in the background while I work. I’m not actively watching, but listening in the very deep recesses of my brain. Sometimes, I need silence, but often, a low drone of tv makes me feel less isolated.
    .-= Meredith from Penelope Loves Lists’s last blog: Assignment: Pre-Christmas de-cluttering, or: do this now, you’ll be glad you did later =-.

  7. I’m soooo glad I’m not alone! (And Izzy & Jane–how do you *live* with no TV? JK)

    Welcome, Meredith! I chuckled that you have all three going at once–wouldn’t that make an interesting show.

  8. Jessica, now you’ve made ME laugh. That was a badly written sentence wasn’t it? It’s only one version of L&O at a time, I promise!
    .-= Meredith from Penelope Loves Lists’s last blog: Tips for a stress-free Christmas morning: the one day to curb your Penelope ways =-.

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